Thursday, December 17, 2009

How to get rid of acne/pimple there any nedication or something..any help is appreciated((:?

yes there is a special treatment but first you have to go to the doctor of called IMAGE skincare it really works. Try it. :)

Go to web site www.imageskincare.comHow to get rid of acne/pimple there any nedication or something..any help is appreciated((:?
dont use proactive see a derm! i am 16 years old and had mild acne before i used proactive. it wasnt anything seriously bad. just stubborn acne on my chin and forehead and the occasional stubborn pimple somewhere else. also once a month it broke out a little more than usual. but i wanted it gone so i decided i would use proactive. i used it for one month. it made my acne worse than it has ever been. i could not believe that something that is supposed to work so good made my skin so bad. i kid you not when i say that there is not one square inch of my skin that is not covered in acne or red marks from acne now. it is absolutely HORRIBLE. when i started proactive i only had acne on my forehead and chin. now it is COVERED MY ENTIRE FACE. it is horrible. i cannot use enough makeup. it literally now takes me 45 minutes to do my face in the morning. and it still looks bad. proactive RUINED my face and the scars from past acne are more noticeable than ever. i dont want to go out in public anymore i am still in shock that my face looks like this. even my mom said that proactive made my skin worse. now im waiting for my dermatologist appt. and i really hope they can help to nurse my skin back to how it was. proactive also drys your skin out so bad i still cant get enough lotion on my face. this was absolutely the worst thing that i have ever used. proactive ruined my life.How to get rid of acne/pimple there any nedication or something..any help is appreciated((:?
I use Clean and Clear spot treatment. It smells like alcohal but it works REALLY good on my skin. That and Biore heating mask work really well together(:

hope you find a solution(:
clean and clear everyday in the shower. and zit cream before u go to bed. g to doctor and ask about duac

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