Saturday, December 26, 2009

How to get rid of acne scars?

I had really bad acne for years, but recently it started fading away and now I have a pimple every now and then. However, even though my acne is gone they left me with these redish flat spots (they are under my jawbone area) Does anyone know any natural remedy or something that I can just buy from the store? I'm not looking to get laser treatments or anything extreme like that. I would really appreciate people answering who have actually tried something and it worked for them.How to get rid of acne scars?
I use something called vita k (its a green label and its lotion that you put on and within a few times it makes your skin look better.) There is acne scars, blotchiness, and a tons other kinds of lotions they sell. Hope this helps!How to get rid of acne scars?
I'm using Mederma,Scar Zone and Prefer On all for scars and they really work!
Um u can use coco cutter or get some creams that treat skin discoloration. But i have a question for you wat did u do for you acne to treat it because i have the same issue. find my question on acne and plz answer it thanx!

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