Thursday, December 17, 2009

What are affortable, helpful acne scar removal ideas?

my acne scars are not too deep, so what could work?What are affortable, helpful acne scar removal ideas?
The natural ways to remove scars are easy and safe. Find out about different natural acne scar removal methods and decide which method is best suited for you. Following are some of the effective tips of removing acne scars in a natural way.

Water plays a vital role in the natural acne scar removal process. Drink sufficient water and regular intake of water helps the skin to retain its natural moisture and removes the dead cells. It also helps to form new cells of the skin and hides the acne scars. Drinking enough water helps to flush out the toxins and results into glowing skin.Prepare a home pack by mixing rose water and sandalwood and apply it on the scars. You can also use aloe Vera or natural seed oils for the removal of acne scars in a natural way.

thanks bye tc ...What are affortable, helpful acne scar removal ideas?

I'm 35 and I still get spots/pimple clusters from time to time and even when they go, they leave reddish marks for ages and my skin looks blotchy.

I use clean and clear or neutrogena clear skin - both contain salicylic acid which prevents breakouts and gradually evens the skin tone out too. And crazy as it sounds - the toothpaste things works! Put on a blob at night and put a bit of tissue over it so it doesn't make a mess. I dunno how it works but it does!

Any female with spots I'd recommend trying dianette or yasmin contraceptive pills because if it's hormonal, that can sort out the kind of hormonal pimples you might get monthly!

Be careful what products you use in your hair if it's long - certain conditioners have causes me to break out at times.

Also I'd recommend taking a 100% multi vitamin/mineral complex and Omega 369 oils every day because that ensures you're getting the right nutrition and also, the omega oils improve blood flow.

It's an 'old wives tale' type rememdy - but a spoonful of cider vinegar and honey in hot water 3 times a day is meant to help EVERYTHING. It tastes nice too...kinda like honey and lemon X

Also...keep your hydration right by drinking plenty of water, avoiding caffeine and alcohol and too much salt!

Another suggestion is the scrub you can get called 'resurface' or something like that - made by L'oreal. You only use it a couple of times a week (and use at night because it makes your face red!). It really works not just with the colouring but also the texture - smoothes it back out. It comes with it's own moisturiser which I don't use but I use the scrub at night a couple of times a week and put bio oil on which it supposed to help clear scarring and even skin tone.

Don't use harsh scrubs and peroxide products daily like some people do; that can dry your skin and make produce MORE oil...just exaccerbating the problem.

And my final suggestion is 'sheer cover' mineral foundation. You see it on infomercials a lot...tacky I know! But it really works. You can buy it on eBay too so it's easy for you to get some to try it out. You use the tiniest amount but because it doesn't settle into enlarged pores and it contains minerals that reflect light, it disguises any kind of 'scarring' and also it stops you getting spots because it doesn't block pores. The minerals in it reflect light a bit too which acts as a kind of concealer. It's hard to explain but it's fantastic. Just make sure not to use too much - and apply with a kabuki brush starting from the outside and working in so you don't end up with an over made up nose!

I know people say make up's a no no - but because this doesn't block pores and has the added effect of stopping you touching your face too much, I think it's good. You can wear it on its own too and as long as you apply it minimally, it covers but doesn't look like you've got make up on.

Good luck with it hun XX

PS - if you can get them, clean %26amp; clear do these blotting paper things - in the uk I find I have to order them in from Hong Kong or somewhere cos they stopped doing them here - but they're REALLY good.

And if your face gets really greasy, just blot with a tissue if you can't find those. Some tissues are to fluffy so I tend to carry around a few sheets of kitchen roll for the purpose!!!

PPS - If you get your skin relatively under control, try using '21 days Fade Cream' (which I get from eBay) because it quickly clears up any scarring. I can only use it once a day though because otherwise (even though it's a 'cream-gel') it can make my skin a bit greasy again so I tend to use that at night but only during periods that my skin's doing 'good'!
Affordable is subjective. Clinical products like Obagi or Peter Thomas Roth use medical grade ingredients so you will have better success in a shorter period of time. Glycolic acid loosens up the ';glue'; that holds dead skin cells together so it exfoliates cell at a rapid rate refining the skins texture. Retin A builds the skin from the inside out. It balances oil production and stimulates collagen, elastin and healthy new cells. If you have discoloration look for hydraquinone. 2% over the counter or 4% prescription. Good luck.
*This is a very safe, natural, minimal cost treatment and works wonders on all kinds of scars. See the response below from happy user, Jasmin *** (Had asked how to remove acne scars/marks as had no success with countless products.)

I had pronounced acne and childhood accident scars and it completely rid my skin of all them. Use any oil, but the best for acne prone skins are olive, sweet almond or grape seed - used by skin specialists for treating and curing acne. Buy last two at Walmart or Walgreens (Check online which stores have them.) or GNC - they have a wide selection of oils.

First, tighten skin by opening mouth 3/4'; and pulling lips firmly back against teeth. Then vigorously and repeatedly massage scars - the rubbing friction simply rubs them away. Gradually build up to vigorous as skin and also hands have to adjust. For quickest results build up to 20 to 30 minutes a day(not necessarily in one session). Massage must be forward and back not circular. Do with front and tips of fingers and sometimes front of entire hand depending where applying. There is a knack but to give you an idea - massage from chin point with front of entire hand(use both hands together) up to cheek bones and back. In other areas you will do smaller sweeps using tips and front of fingers - in mouth areas for example.

You will see some fading the first week or two, then progress seems to quicken. Keep it up and you will rid skin of all scars and marks. Treatment rid my skin of every single one overtime and also of every single spot and blemish. It also tightened and firmed it and gave me a younger, much healthier, glowing and near flawless skin.

Do this treatment and then maintain a less frequent (briefer and less vigorous) whole face massage and you will never need to exfoliate again. Only unhealthy skins need constant exfoliating.

Try it - you will be happy that you did!

***My advice? LISTEN TO MUKUNDA M!!! He knows what he's talking about. I directly emailed him because he's gotten so many Best Answers for skincare topics. I've been doing the oil treatment for a little more than 3 weeks and I can't tell you how absolutely fantastic the results are. Seriously. You will not be disappointed.'; Jasmin.

SOURCE(S): 20+ years extensive research - safe, natural treatments and cures for skin conditions, skin enhancement and anti aging and rejuvenation treatments.
bio-oil :)

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