Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I have acne and acne scarring what is best for it?

i have acne and acne scarring please can you tell me what i can get to reduce acne and acne scarring. I want a product what i can get in the ukI have acne and acne scarring what is best for it?
You can always try with these home remedies. They may help a lot. Hope this helps:

-Wash the face twice daily with a tea of calendula

-Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice with 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder. -Apply this paste on the pimples and wash it after 20 minutes with warm water. Repeat for two weeks

-Use aloe vera juice on the pimples morning and night for as long as necessary (perhaps five months or longer).

-Make orange peel paste by grinding it in some water. Apply on and around pimples.

-Rub garlic on and around pimples.

-Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of pimples.

-Pulverize 1/3 cup uncooked oats and then add 录 cup of water. When it becomes the consistency of paste, apply on the pimples.

-Apply raw papaya on swelling pimples.

-Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for pimples.

-Mix lime juice and rose water in equal portions and then apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with only water.

-Apply tomatoes pulp on pimples and kept up to 1 hour then wash.

-Make a pastof one cucumber and a carrot, and then mix with 1/4 cup oatmeal cooked and 1/2 cup of milk. Wash it off after 15 minutes.

-Mix a teaspoonful of coriander juice with a pinch of turmeric powder. Apply to the face after thoroughly washing it, every night before retiring.

-Beat one egg white and apply it on the face for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

-Rub an ice cube on the affected area if a pimple starting to break out on the face. .I have acne and acne scarring what is best for it?
I had the same prob, I bought this Clinique product (it's at home and I'm at my dad's and I forgot the name sorry :() it acts like dermabrasion and pretty much reduces the appearance of scars/acne marks drastically. You can go down to clinique and ask them about it they'll definitely know what you're talking about. good luck
i think the only way you could solve this problem for good

would be to have your face lasered

you will probably need a referral from your doctor to go and see a skin specialist first, and see what they say

not sure if you can get it under h b f or whether they class it as

cosmetic thing and you have to pay for it

but it is the only sure thing
I'm not really sure about the scars but aloe Vera is meant to be amazing for acne, simply buy and aloe Vera plant (nothing is better than the real thing, %26amp; aloe vera products won't work as well) cleanse skin, cut a chunk of the aloe vera off and squeeze the gel out and apply to skin- just like moistruiser. Victoria beckham used it to clear her acne. Its 100% natural so it won't have any unessicary chemicals that may be harsh to your skin. Aloe vera is meant to be amazing for any skin problem and is meant to be good at healing so may be good for you scars as well.

I highly reccommend you try it .
Weekly Chemical Peels and heres a fourm about acne scars


people with same problem share there tips and treatments hope this helps
I have researched a lot on this subject. The best I have come up with is a home remedy from Care2.com. I will send you a link there are a couple great recipes that I have tried that work really well.

good luck and please give these home remedies a try.






There is also stuff for acne scars on the same website just do a search once on the site....
aveeno products help lighten scars

until theyre gone just wear concealer
There are a lot of things you can use. I reccomend using the clean%26amp;clear package, but if you can't afford it just go to a cvs or walgreens to get neautrogena or a regular deep cleanse face wash. I just started doing that a couple of days ago, and my skin is so soft, and my zits are clearing up. If you want to keep your face mousturized, you can buy an oil-free mousturizer, those keep your skin softer. Make sure it's oil free though because if you get a mousturizer or face wash product that has oil, you will have worse acne than before.Also, you could try washing your face every moring and night with an olay soap bar.Good Luck.
You need exactly a skin care product that suits your skin-type. Find the ultimate skin care solution at http://www.skinsosilky.com/ to see the real amazing results.
Directly rub potato slices all over the face and wash after 30 minutes this when done regularly , helps to get rid of acne, blemishes and pimple scar. Check out http://useinfo-acne.blogspot.com/ for more useful info.

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