Thursday, December 17, 2009

I am in the early stages of acne scarring and was wondering what procedures/ creams can get rid of them?

Bio-Oil is very good at removing scars, stretch marks, embedded skin marks, deep marks, practically everything.

Good Luck :)

Mizz.Hollikiinsz.XI am in the early stages of acne scarring and was wondering what procedures/ creams can get rid of them?
theres a thing that i used at one time. its by neutrogena. its in a small blue bottle but the box is orange. its for acne scars. it works really well. you have to continue to use it in order to see results. its about11-14 dollars for the lil thing. but its worth it. i bought it at HEB but im sure you can find it just about anywhere that sells face stuff. hope this helps.I am in the early stages of acne scarring and was wondering what procedures/ creams can get rid of them?
Education on the subject matter is the best prevention/cure. Checkout the ';'; website. They helped me, and alot of my family. I highly recommend it. Goodluck
Proactiv! Works great!
I hear that Bio oil is amazing for cleaning up scars etc.

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