My scars are all over my face, horrible ones. I meet girls in dark places and my personality attracts attention. Then we go out into light and my scars are seen, and that ends it all. They walk a way, and after it happened yesterday, I have to do something before I come even more depressed and I am, and I do something drastic. I need to know a way to do it at home. I am a single father, and full time student. And after a 4000.00 laser treatment that I did, and got very little results, I cannot afford that again. I need something effective, to use at home. I am getting desperate and willing to try sandpaper to reduce my scars if I must but that cannot be healthy. I want to try at home kits, chemical peals, micro dermabrasion, any thing that will get rid the scars. I am getting so depressed of the reactions I get from my scars on my face that I am ready to give up, and go from there, or where ever else giving up takes me.Home treatment to remove horrible acne scars?
Completely getting rid of acne scars takes a long time. Getting rid of scars isn't very easy.
Squeezing or picking at acne can damage the skin tissue around the acne. This can lead to the scarring that is such a concern for many people.
If the nature of your scars is mild to moderate, then home remedies are sufficient. There are many lotions based on alpha hydroxyl acid and retinol. These lotions are very effective for the treatment of the acne scars. it also depends on the type of your skin. If you have a sensitive skin type, it will be better not to use lotions based on the above ingredients. They can harm sensitive skin. There is a specific range of medications to treat people who can not undergo retinol and alpha acid treatments. The most effective among them are lavender oil, aloe vera juice and rosehip seed oil. They can heal scars without harming the skin in the long run.
I suggest trying aloe vera juice and putting that on your face at night where the scars are.
Exfoliate your skin with baking soda. Often times a version of baking soda is used in cosmetic microdermabrasion treatments. You can give yourself a mini microdermabrasion treatment by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with the two teaspoons of filtered water. Then gently rub the mixture on your acne scar for sixty seconds then rinse it off.
Also, try lemon juice.
To use the lemon juice treatment to remove your acne scar you will need to first wash your face with warm water. Then pour some lemon juice on a cotton ball, and then gently rub the effected acne mark area. For best results leave the lemon juice on your face for about 10 minutes and then dry the affected acne scar area.
To start seeing results with the lemon juice it can take anywhere from one day and even up to three months. Results will vary depending on the seriousness of the acne problem.
Another big factor in reducing or getting rid of acne scars is that you will also need to watch the kind of oils you are putting into your body. Some oils that you use is just screaming acne come and get me!
One of the most common forms of vegetable oil is the sunflower oil. It is highly recommended that if you are using such oils in your cooking then you should consider stop using them to cook as it will only increase the risk of more acne break outs.
By avoiding the use of vegetable oils in your cooking, it has been reported that it can be one of the leading factors in clearing up your acne by 50%. Even in sever cases it has been said that that people who stopped using such vegetable oils, have been completely relieved of any future acne outbreaks.
Ready to hear this? Believe it or not by drinking more than the recommended 8 glasses of water daily will immediately begin to see results with getting rid of your acne scars. If you are a severe acne suffer you should stay away from carbonated drinks, and caffeine drinks such as coffee, and sodas.
Or if you have the money, go to a dermatologist.
If you have serious scarring from previous bouts with acne, there are some things you can do. One form of treatment is laser resurfacing, which can be done in the doctor's or dermatologist's office. The laser removes the damaged top layer of skin and tightens the middle layer, leaving skin smoother. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. The doctor will try to lessen any pain by first numbing the skin with local anesthesia. It usually takes between 3 and 10 days for the skin to heal completely.
Another method for treating acne scarring is dermabrasion, which uses a rotating wire brush or spinning diamond instrument to wear down the surface of the skin. As the skin heals, a new, smoother layer replaces the abraded skin. It may take a bit longer for skin to heal using dermabrasion 鈥?usually between 10 days and 3 weeks.
The newest form of treatment for acne scarring is called fractional laser therapy. This type of treatment works at a deeper level than laser resurfacing or dermabrasion, Because fractional laser therapy doesn't wound the top layer of tissue, healing time is shorter. Fractional laser therapy is quite costly, and it's not usually covered by insurance.
A person's acne will need to be under control before having any of these treatments.
Depending on the severity of the acne scars, the doctor or dermatologist may also suggest a chemical peel or microdermabrasion to help improve the appearance of scarred areas. These milder treatments can be done right in the office.
Some of these are rather expensive thoughHome treatment to remove horrible acne scars?
unfortunately, chemical peels and microdermabrasion work only on superficial skin imperfections. if your scars are as deep as you say, you have two options: several sessions of laser (which can indeed be very expensive, but it does work) or a dermabrasion procedure, which is an invasive procedure that literaly removes a layer of your skin. it hurts and you will wear bandages a few weeks, but you will see good results after the operation. it costs about 3.000, hospital fees included.
hope this helps.
Hang in there, theres a webste called
its cheap to order, simple home remedy you do every week. Stretch marks like acne scars are a pain in the *** to get rid of, but it is possible, atleast to significatly improve theyre appearance. Theyre all nothing but scars, if you follow this remedy you'll get results.
Its definetly worth the look at
more so than taking sand paper to your face
Dude, at-home microdermasion will help your skin some -- but it takes time, and it primarily helps with the texture of your skin but not deep scars. If you have what are called ';icepick'; scars, those can really respond to what is called ';acne surgery';, where a plastic surgeon performs either ';subcision'; or ';punch graft';.
If you do have the deep, ';icepick'; scars, your best option may be the injection fillers which can be used which fill the damaged skin underneath and also cause the skin to grow back collagen for permanent results. One of the best is called ArteFill. This provides immediate results. You can get the injections over time to spread out the cost so you don't have to pay so much all at once. (I would specifically ask for ArteFill, since many of the other injection fillers only provide temporary results.)
*Don't* lose hope -- there are solutions. The laser treatment you obtained will also provide some long-term results which you may not have yet observed (the collagen growth usually slowly builds over time).
There are *many* options now for acne scar removal. However, sand paper and at-home treatments really aren't among them. Save your money and use it toward these other procedures which *will* provide results (even though it might take a combination of them).
If you saw a dermatologist before, I would recommend seeing a plastic surgeon. They sometimes have more options than dermatologist for removal of acne scars, and the price of treatments can be more reasonable than you might expect (especially the injection fillers).
Email me here through Yahoo if you like. The right woman -- and the right solution for your acne scars -- is out there for you.
-- Andrew