Friday, January 8, 2010

How can I get rid of the scar after acne dries? But without treaments only natural?

same problem 4 me 2 ):How can I get rid of the scar after acne dries? But without treaments only natural?
try using bio oil you can get it from boots and other chemists its really good to help repair your skin!How can I get rid of the scar after acne dries? But without treaments only natural?
The Acne CureSheet is a quick, easy and effective acne treatment.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .
apply lemon juice to them at night and wash it off in the morning. you can also buy tea tree oil. theyre both all natural and work wonders.
I had an ultra sensitive flaking skin, pronounced scars, many freckles, discolorations, blotches and blemishes and a big mole - and various other skin conditions and this home treatment quickly and permanently cured them all. I discovered that massaging vigorously each day with pure natural oils(I tried various but I like olive oil which is particularly beneficial for acne and less costly than other oils) first cleared up the other conditions but as I continued the massaging, everything, even the mole - the last to go - were permanently got rid of and I now have a healthy, blemish free skin. It also gives skin a healthy glow and tightens and rejuvenates it. It's best to make the massage as vigorous as possible for the quickest results. You will then see in a matter of days a great improvement. and even better results in two to three weeks depending on how vigorously you have been able to make it . Some skin clinics might tell you to only massage gently but I found that vigorous massage was only beneficial and many others have had the same experience. You can make it more vigorous as you progress as the skin has to adjust. The oil is a natural moisturizer and you will never need any other moisturizer. Try it - you will be happy that you did! If you research acne/acne scars cures on Answers you will find my Best Answers and responses. One response from someone who tried it --- '; It has made a HUGE difference in my complexion after just one night..... my skin looks so much tighter and i no longer have bags under my eyes! Thank you so much .... I have been suffering with acne and under-eye circles since i was young';..

SOURCE(S): 20+ years self experimentation and research into natural treatments to enhance skin and cure problems and of anti aging and rejuvenation treatments.

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